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Tuesday, August 22, 2000

Top Stories

Apple And Compaq: Why The 2nd Half Is Key
by Individual Investor
For both Apple and Compaq, the second half of the year will be quite telling. Both companies have an opportunity to deliver strong profit growth. But both companies are not out of the woods just yet, according to Wall Street analysts.

One Cool Cube
by Time
Apple's newest desktop computer has some flaws, but it brings alive a futuristic fantasy.

Apple Ingenuity Cubed
by San Francisco Examiner
Say what you will about Apple Computer, its chief executive officer or the Macintosh — and I've had my share of problems with all three — Steve Jobs and company continue to put the PC industry to shame on several fronts.

Around The World By ProMouse
by Macity
We have checked the availability and the prices in many AppleStore in order to see where we could satisfy sooner and cheaper our desire of getting a ProMouse.

Mac Offers PowerBook Upgrade
by Wired News
Mac users who bought a bad Apple can now trade it in for a fresh new one.

Apple Power Mac G4
The dual-processor Power Mac G4 makes the most sense for professional users who create or edit 2D or 3D graphics, video, and audio.

When To Buy New
by Low End Mac
It sometimes makes more sense to get a new computer then keep upgrading an old one.


"It's Part Of How They Communicate:" Computer Use Soars At Colleges Here
by Lancaster New Era
When first-year Franklin & Marshall College students set foot on the Lancaster campus at the end of this month, the computer store will provide one of their most important beginning educational steps.

Linux Making Mac Inroads
by Macworld
Linux is predominantly found on Intel boxes, but if this year's Linux World Expo is any indication, the "open source that could" is making steady inroads into the Mac community.

Apple CFO Anderson Predicts Apple To Outgrow Dell
by MacNN
———————————————————————————————————————— Apple CFO Fred Anderson, visiting Apple Australia last week, predicted that Apple would report 35 percent revenue growth when it issues its fiscal year-end report on September 30. This is double the growth rate for the industry as a whole, and would allow Apple to eclipse Dell as the fastest-growing computer company.

Sharp Enters Mac Ink-Jet Market
The 1,200-dpi AJ-1800 and AJ-2000 are the first fruits of the company's $2 billion ink-jet printer alliance with Xerox and Fuji Xerox.


Setting Clones Straight
by Macinstein
Apple¥s existence was crucial to these clone companies for their own future, yet they made very little effort to expand the Mac market.

Adobe's "Tabbed" Lawsuit
by The Macjunkie


Tuesday, August 22, 2000
by Heng-Cheong Leong

Go Nuts

As The Apple Turns: While we generally frown on violence to Macs of any kind, we're willing to make an exception for the 5300/190 PowerBooks, which have caused us no end of grief over the years.


Microsoft Ditches Two More Private Lawsuits
Microsoft may have lost the initial round in its federal antitrust case, but the software giant today scored two more victories in private lawsuits.

Intel Ups Server Chip Speed To 1 GHz
Intel will ratchet up the speed of its high-end Xeon chips to 1 GHz, the company plans to announce at its Intel Developer Forum conference today.

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