Sunday, December 24, 2000
Insert Quote Here Contest
We provide the questionable pictures, you provide the caption.
ZDNet AnchorDesk: The choice of desktop databases today seems to come down to three: Microsoft Access, which I find difficult; Microsoft Excel, which isn't really a database but plays one on many people's desktops; and FileMaker, which is my perennial favorite because it's a tool that I can actually use.
Microsoft Awaits New Brand Of Justice Department
The software giant was all smiles after Bush won the election, but now that he has nominated Sen. John Ashcroft to head the DOJ, all bets are off.
The Missing Parts In MS Puzzle? Here They Are
They say Microsoft controls the software business, but that's not really true. Microsoft doesn't really compete with everybody, and there are some areas where you'd think Microsoft would compete, but they don't.