Friday, February 1, 2002
Amidst Losses, Corel Cites 2001 As "Turning Point"
The Road Ahead For Avid
The game is far from over for Avid, but it's the bottom of the seventh in a tie game. Avid must score some runs or face the possibility of an upset by an underdog.
Ramsay School To Get $52,000 Grant
The school will buy a second Apple mobile lab with 11 portable computers that can be wheeled to various classrooms.
Apple At The O'Reilly Bioinformatics Conference
Apple's presence, focus, and responsiveness has really impressed me.
Windows XP: Cannot delete [file]: There is not enough free disk space.
Damien Barrett: I haven't been counting, but have seen at least a dozen more iPods in use on the subway in the last several weeks.
Rob McNair-Huff: One part of the new OS X experience that I haven't seen much written about is the lack of whimsical system sounds and error messages that amused and befuddled me under Mac OS 9.x.