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Friday, May 3, 2002

Top Stories

Apple eMac: That's 'E' For Education
by James Hattori, CNN
"Education is very, very budget conscious and wants to buy the most computers they can for the dollar so the most kids can get exposure to them. So, this was our attempt to take all the great things of that new iMac, except for the flat display, and be able to bring them into the classroom a little cheaper."

Tips To Help You Pick A Laptop From Among So Many Features
by Walter S. Mossberg, Wall Street Journal
Two of the absolute finest laptops around don't run Windows.


LittleWing Releases Jinni Zeala Pinball
by Sean Smith, Inside Mac Games

Is The Future Flat?
by David Shapshak, Mail & Guardian
Apple has a lot of clout despite having less than 5% of the global computer market.

Shake To Cease Windows Support
by MacMinute
Nothing Real, which was acquired by Apple in February of this year, revealed that the forthcoming version of its Shake product (v2.5) will be the last for Windows.

Risks To Privacy Grow Along With Wireless
by Anick Jesdanun, Associated Press
Just this week, Best Buy suspended use of wireless cash registers over concerns that eavesdroppers could obtain credit card numbers and other customer data by sitting in the parking lot.

Adobe Wins Macromedia Patent Suit
by David Becker, CNET
Adobe won its lawsuit Thursday claiming that rival Macromedia infringed on the company's patents for "tabbed palettes."


Piles Of New Stuff Indicate OS 9 On Its Way Out
by Bob LeVitus, Houston Chronicle
They're just not making much software for Mac OS 9 anymore.

Writeable CDs Add To Digital Detritus
by David Plotnikoff, San Jose Mercury News
It is slowly dawning on me that the compact discs I'm burning are perhaps a bit too permanent.


Dual 1GH Mac: Better Machine, Better Price
by Dennis Sellers,
High-end designers have no excuse not to upgrade.


Friday, May 3, 2002
by Heng-Cheong Leong

Dr.Dubious DDQ, in Slashdot: I was told [by Sorenson] that the exclusivity agreement [between Apple and Sorenson] expired last month.

I am so tired of having to reboot my OS X. I hope Steve Jobs would apologize next week at WWDC, and give us 10.1.5.


Microsoft: A Dip That Delights?
by BusinessWeek
Its up-and-down stock is now at a level that could appeal to investors who believe the software giant can thrive in a post-PC world.

States Say Microsoft Planned Media Player Coup
by Peter Kaplan, Reuters
The nine states cited a Jan 3, 1999, e-mail to Bill Gates outlining a plan to use the dominant Windows operating system to promote Microsoft's Netshow medai streaming software over that offered by RealNetworks.

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