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Tuesday, May 14, 2002

Top Stories

Apple Serves Up Rack-Mountable Server
by Ian Fried, CNET
Although Xserve are aimed at environments where Macs are plentiful, it is also designed to be a good server for common business-computing tasks such as handling Windows files, e-mail and Web pages.


Q&A With Kevin Browne
by Philip Michaels, Macworld
Microsoft and Kevin Browne have big plans for the Mac platform — even as the software giant's five-year technology pact with Apple expires this summer.

GraphicConverter V4.4 Updated Today For Mac OS X

Stronghold: Building Castles With The Strengh Of Mac OS X
by Brad Cook, Apple
"[Stronghold] is just tough enough to keep [you] engaged without becoming overly frustrating."

Major Player Give Nod To Xserve
by MacMinute

AOL Plans To Unveil New Mac Software
by Gene Steinberg, Gannett News Service
AOL hopes to release its new Mac version this summer, and will be compatible with the next version of Mac OS X, code-named Jaguar.

Newer Technology Making A Comeback
by MacMinute

Maine School Laptop Program Earns Mention In National Survey
by Associated Press
"Maine's experiment in wireless education may provide answers to the question of how well universal access to the Internet aids student learning."

Apple CFO Planned To Sell $3.8 Million Of Stock
by Reuters
Anderson's filing was the latest from the finance chief, who has been at Apple for five years.

Apple To Plant Enterprise Seed
by Matt Berger, InfoWorld
Long anticipated by Mac enthusaiasts, analysts this week said they expect the server to be an important addition to Apple's product line.

nVidia GeForce 4 Ti Cards Begin To Ship
by MacNN
Apple has begun shipping nVidia GeForce 4 Titanium AGP video cards to customers.

VersionTracker Adds A Subscription Service
by Rob McNair-Huff, Mac Net Journal


Jaguar Or Jackalope?
by Michael Swaine, Dr. Dobb's Journal
I don't really have to have the product to review it.

What Else Is There? The Future Of Apple Looks Bright Indeed
by John Manzione, MacNETv2


Is It The Perfect 10 For Mac?
by Graham K. Rogers, Bangkok Post
The pros and cons of Apple's OS X.

Excel V.X
by Chris McVeigh, MacHome
Although it offers few significant new features, Excel v.X is a solid performer. It provides full compatibility with Mac OS X, and for many, that's reason enough to upgrade.

On Virtual Safari
by Larry Blasko, Associated Press
Animals often fascinate the preschool set, and Knowledge Adventures' new title "Jump Start Animal Adventure" is a nice alternative to dragging a toddler around the local zoo.

A Few Comments On iPhoto 1.1.1
by Rob McNair-Huff, Mac Net Journal
There are definitely a few things that could be addressed to make iPhoto work even better.


Tuesday, May 14, 2002
by Heng-Cheong Leong

Are you interested in the Weblog Foundation?

Dave Winer: There's some stuff that runs on Mac OS X as a server that isn't available on other flavors of Unix and is pretty cool.


How Microsoft Went After Linux
by Reuters
A Microsoft executive urged the company to quietly retaliate against supporters of the rival Linux operating system in an August 2000 memo that nine states still suing the software giant want admitted as evidence.

Is HP Low-Balling Job Losses?
by Andrew Colley and Viviene Fisher, ZDNet Australia
U.S.-based IT industry analyst Giga Information Group believes job losses resulting from the merger of Hewlett Packard and Compaq have been underestimated greatly.

Hewlett-Packard And Dell Results To Reflect Tech Downturn
by Reuters
Weak corporate spending is expected to take its toll when HP and Dell report quarterly results later this week, although HP's bottom line should benefit from cost-cutting ahead of buying Compaq.

Companies Cringe At Microsoft Licensing
by Byron Acohido, USA Today
Fierce resistance is brewing to Microsoft's new software licensing program for businesses.

Dell Projection Is Pro Projectors
by John G Spooner, CNET
Dell Computer announced Monday that it has begun selling anew portable projector that can be paired with its notebook PCs.

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