Tuesday, May 21, 2002
Apple Allows Unregistered Users To View KBase
Shapleigh's Laptops Sharpen Skills
"I am very enthusiastic about the possibilities it has."
Apple Computer Executives Register To Sell Shares
Apple Computer Inc. executives have filed with securities regulators to sell about $25 million in stock so far this month, including a filing on Monday by the company's chief financial officer to sell stock worth more than $6 million, documents showed.
Movie-Star Mac Battles The Bad Guys Of Wintel
Today's movie heroes and heroines tend to use Apple Macs. The baddies hack away at Windows PCs.
Apple's Xserve: Do Servers Need GUIs?
A number of you raised a red flag over the Xserve's use of the Aqua interface. It was considered an unncessary distraction rather than a help.
Apple Gooses iBook Speeds
Given Apple's recent updates to all its product lines, it certainly has something truly noteworthy up its sleeve for July that is not necessarily a new computer per se, but something else.
Has BSD Unix Passed Up Linux?
Users tried of fighting their hardware may well flock to Mac OS X systems, with their ease of integration, desktop applications, including Microsoft Office, friendly interface, and absolutely beautiful hardware.
Tempting New iBooks?
The AV cable is a much nicer solution than that dongle Apple has for the new iBooks.
eZistance Is Futile
The energy coming off Apple right now is very strong and positive. People there are having fun. Thye're competitive, but not combative.
Why I Stopped Using iPhoto
iPhoto just doesn't offer as many pluses as minuses for this photographer.
Apple's Tweaked TiBook Unleashes More Beauty — And The Beast Within
While the new TiBook hasn't eliminiated my need to have two computers in my office, it may very well change which one I consider my primary machine.
Doc Searls: Two years ago, even one year ago, any industry conference woul dhave revolved, unavoidably, around Microsoft. Not any more.
Newspapers and other media typically have obituaries pre-prepared for famous people. I wonder how many of us here at weblog-ing land has one of those written about ourselves already.