Friday, June 14, 2002
Top Stories
Poll: Apple Luring Windows Users
A new survey found that Apple Macintosh computers are drawing increased interest from Microsoft Windows-based PC users, some of whom have switched or plan to switch platforms.
A Switch In Time
Apple's new ads are targeting the PC SoHo market, but corporate business could be harder to come by.
Adobe Builds On Last Quarter
Adobe expects Photoshop to exert more influence on sales of other [Adobe] products written for Mac OS X as custmers become more familiar with the new version.
Poor Capital Management Costs Industry Billions
Dell and Apple are exceptions, both achieving negative cash cycles thanks in part to outsourcing manufacturing and focusing on direct, build-to-order sales.
Does Apple Want To Break Into Movies?
Apple Computer has quietly purchased technologies from digital effects company Silicon Grail, extending its recent push into the high-end motion picture production market.
Apple To Market Xserve To Home Users In The Near Future?
It just seems evident that this will be the next step in the digital hub strategy.
Mac OS X In Enterprise And Education - Who Is Dr. Tim Hillman??
Two Software Updates Worthy But Have Issues
Both Apple and Microsoft promise improvements that sould almost too good to be true.
The Apple Of Your Ear
Digital-music lovers find what they're listening for in Mac OS X.
I long for the day when I see a new upgrade for my computer, I do not have to mentally figure out a time where I have a few hours to spare so that should the upgrade fails and I need to reinstall the operating system and recover backed-up files, I will have that few hours to spare.
My dearest Pismo, be patient. You will get your 10.1.5. I promise.