Tuesday, June 18, 2002
Mac Evangelist Rodney O. Lain Dies
He was the Angry Mac Man, an online technology pundit who wrote about Macintosh topics with more candor than some could stand.
Monday Night At The Single's Club? Apple's Real People
Apple couldn't have picked a starker collection of life's losers with which to promote the Macintosh.
Apple's Marketing Mojo: Readers Respond
There seem to be plenty of cross-platform-savvy computer users who share my belief that the next 12 months could see Apple claim significantly larger sliver of the PC pie.
Web Browsing With Smooth Text
OmniWeb's consistently looks much better, while there are a few places where both IE and Chimera's fonts (especially bold ones) aren't quite as pleasing. But it shows that there's still a bit of innovation happening in web browsers-and that innovation is happening on Mac OS X.
Jason Kottke: Possible reason why I almost got into car accidents: Learning new keyboard habits for Mac OS X is so mentally taxing that I forgot how to drive a car.
Xbox Hacks Becoming Child's Play
The hacks just keep on coming for Microsoft's Xbox.