Friday, November 29, 2002
Top Stories
That Finder Thing
UI design decisions at Apple are now in the hands of people who do not understand good UI design. What makes it sad is not just that Appleís standards used to be so much higher, but that there are still so many talented designers working there.
Apple Turns Sour On Local Telco Tyro In Logo Zone
US-based Apple Computers was adamant that Daniel Cheng's Sydney-based Apple Communications was stealing its custom adn ordere him to change his company name and pay $100,000 in "compensation".
Looks great, works great, Apple's iPod raises the bar for portable music players.
A Monitor With Broad Appeal
The wide-screen Personal Entertainment Display from Sony takes the pain out of spreadsheets and makes editing photos a pleasure.
LISTEN TO THE QUITTERS, says Jeffrey Zeldman. Learn from dissatisfied customers, Apple.
AN APPLE A DAY : A Connected Mac Universe for mac users in the Internet age.
WE DIDN'T START THE FIRE, it was always burning, since the world's been turning...
We didn't start the fire, but when we are gone, will it still burn on, and on, and on, and on...