Sunday, January 19, 2003
6 Short Movies Reflect Real Life
The six amateur filmmakers spent about a dozen Friday mornings learning how to use digital video cameras and filming things close to their lives.
Eight-Digit Salary Club To Drop Members
Several executives who took home a bundle in 2001 — including Apple Computer's Steven Jobs and the chief of Tyco International's health-care unit — could lose their club membership with their pay dropping in 2002.
Putting G Before A
The choice of G is especially surprising because Apple practically owns the education and higher-education markets, which, according to most of the university IT people with whom I've spoken, are moving to A.
No Reason To Pan Movie Maker 2's Effects
Call it the Battle of the Ken Burns Effect. It's not a Civil War conflict but rather a clash between Microsoft Corp. and Apple Computer Inc. for the one area of home computing where Apple has been the hands-down winner—until now.
Windows Media Player: Easy On The Ears, But Not On The Eyes
Unfortunately, the new Windows Media Player hasn't improved on its predecessor's inefficient, designed-by-committee looks.
What Lies Beneath
Why Microsoft should build its next version of Windows on top of Linux.
Microsoft Unveils New CD Copy Protection
Microsoft announced on Saturday new digital rights software aimed at helping music labels control unauthorized copying of CDs, one of the biggest thorns in the ailing industry's side.