Friday, February 7, 2003
Standards: Truce Pays Off For Rivals
As fast wireless technologies hit store shelves, networking companies that survived an earlier standards war in the booming market are determined to prevent another one from erupting.
Beat Of THe Slopes
Portable players turn a typical ride into a freestyle session set to a customized rhythm track.
Students Enjoy A 'Science Cart' From Apple
As what Apple calls a "seed" school, East Middle School will share results and opinions on the project with Apple so the company can get a feel for the product's future viability.
Zeroing In On Instant Networks
New approaches to zero-configuration networks provide faster, more flexible hookups for mobile devices.
Apple To Host 1394 Developers' Conf In Tokyo
The 1394 Trade Association is an international organization dedicated to the advancement and proliferation of the IEEE 1394 standard — better known as FireWire to Mac users.
Sun: We Would Consider A Mac OS X Office Suite If Microsoft Left
A Sun Microsystems representative has told MacFixIt that if Microsoft were to leave the Macintosh office productivity suite space — by ceasing development after Office 11 — the company would be more inclined to deliver a solid, production-level Mac OS X-native version of its StarOffice suite.
GET LAID OFF? : "I was an Apple icon! After Steve got thrown out, I was the voice of Apple!"
Slammer: The Fastest Spreading Worm Ever?
A white paper produced by the team, claims that Sapphire doubled its numbers every 8.5 seconds during the first minute of its attack.
Microsoft Releases Anti-Slammer Tools
Microsoft has released early versions of database security applications in reaction to the Slammer worm that wreaked havoc on the Internet last week.
Microsoft Toughens Up Windows Server
Microsoft wants to assure big companies that its upcoming Windows Server 2003 operating system is ready to handle complex business applications.