Friday, June 6, 2003
Top Stories
Apple iTunes + Independent Music
I got an invitation to go to Apple's offer for a presentation/meeting about how to get independent artists into the iTunes Music Store. I wrote down all the major points of their presentation as they went.
.Mac Email Difficulties Continue
.Mac users have reported email-related problems for over a week.
'iCreate' Mac Magazine Launched
Paragon Publishing has announced the launch of "iCreate," a new UK-based magazine aimed at creative Mac users.
Aladdin Ships Spring Cleaning 6
The new version is optimized for Mac OS X, and sports improved performance, organization and privacy capabilities, according to the developer.
Pogue To Speak At SoHo Apple Store
George Spyros: Directing In DVD
While DVD Studio Pro is often the star of the show, it doesn't stand alone either.
iTunes Music Swap Just Won't Die
Apple may never be ablet o stop Mac users from sharing music over the Internet, despite its best attempts.
This is a game that could provide hours of up-late-all-night intensity, or even casual pick-up play on a portable.
European Regulators Seem More Evidence In Microsoft Inquiry
European competition regulators are seeking more evidence in their investigation of Microsoft, a move that is almost certain to delay further the five-year-old antitrust inquiry.
Microsoft Alters Settlement To Address Apple Concerns
Vouchers are good for software "produced by other companies that compete with and/or have substantially similar functionality to" Microsoft Windows, Word, Excel and Office.