Tuesday, July 15, 2003
Top Stories
Clash, Then Synthesis: Joys Of A Laptop Jam
Laptop music can be "strange for the listener" because "the performers understand what they're doing, but the audience doesn't."
Live Avrill Tracks On iTunes Include Green Day Cover
Avril Lavigne is sending a subtle message to Metallica, Linkin Park and other groups who have pulled their music off Apple's iTunes recently — Let Go.
Apple Takes Aim At Government, Defence And Media
Apple has signalled its intent to play hardball in courting the Australian government and military space.
Sophos To Prevent Worms In Apples
Sophos Antivirus for Mac OS X allows administrators the ability to prevent users from uninstalling the software, and offers centralized installation, configuration, updating and reporting.
Buzzle Administrator "Under A Spell"
The ongoing legal battle over Buzzle was back in court yesterday, as Apple continued its quest to overthrow the administrator of the failed reseller group.
Microsoft Shakes Up Its Mac Lineup
Microsoft will next month revise its Office for Mac product line with across-the-board price cuts and two new editions of Office, sources said.
Blame The Last Man Standing?
The whole point of Rendezvous is that it is the networking that keeps working even when everything else is broken.
Retrospect 5.1 Improves Disaster Recovery
Most important is that Retrospect 5.1 now ships with a disaster recovery CD-ROM that can boot a Mac OS X machine, thus eliminating one of the big gotchas that has plagued Retrospect users who back up to removable media.
Potential Data Loss Bug In Mail.app; Workaround
We are investigating a potentially serious and now confirmed issue with Apple's default Mac OS X e-mail client, Mail.app, that causes loss of sent messages when working with a large volume of e-mail.
ACTUALLY, THIS IS WHAT I RATHER USE : Paul Andrews has this say to in an assignment to compare Linux with Windows. "Built like Linux on a Unix base, Mac's OS X offers the reliability of Linux and even better digital-content features than Windows."