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Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Top Stories

Sales Boost Apple Earnings
by Ina Fried, CNET
Buoyed by a rise in sales from a year ago, Apple Computer posted fourth-quarter earnings that narrowly topped expectations. The Mac maker posted a net income of $44 million, or 12 cents per share, on revenue of $1.7 billion, for the three months ended Sept. 27.

Mac Supercomputer: Fast, Cheap
by Leander Kahney, Wired News
The brand new "Big Mac" supercomputer at Virginia Tech could be the second most powerful supercomputer on the planet, according to preliminary numbers.


iPod Available At New Regional Retailers
by MacNN
MacNN readers note that the iPod is now available at several of The May Department Stores, including Robinsons-May and Hecht's.

Bayshore Goes Digital With Laptops
by Michael Barber, Bradenton Herald
Manatee County School District officials selected Bayshore to be the first county school to provide every student with a personal laptop computer.

Computer Commitment
by Larry Slonaker, San Jose Mercury News
Gunderson High's laptops: Educational blessing or expensive distraction?

Greene County Students Get Laptops
by Mark Lineberger, Kinston Free Press
Dozens of middle school students, all born in the 1990s, were the first to receive the computers Tuesday, computers that educators hope will give them an edge, both academically and in the workplace.

Mozilla, Firebird, Thunderbird Get Updates
by MacMinute

NetNewsWire And NetNewsWire Lite Updated
by Mac Net Journal

Apple Store Opening In Cleveland Area Oct 24
by MacMinute
A new Apple Store will be among several stores having their grand opening on October 24 at the Legacy Village retail center in Lyndhurst, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland.

Apple To Webcast Quarterly Results On Wednesday
by Peter Cohen, MacCentral
Apple CFO Fred Anderson and others hold the quarterly financial conference call with Wall Street analysts, to discuss the company's financial results and news of import to the financial and Macintosh communities.

Microsoft Launches Compatibility Center For Mac Users
by Jim Dalrymple, MacCentral
The new Compatibility Center gives users access to articles, studies and success stories of people using Microsoft products on both Windows and Macintosh.

Two Apple Stores Closed For Panther Release
by Jim Dalrymple, MacCentral
Two of the company's retail outlets will be closed for the celebration.


Will Apple's 'Panther' Make A Meal Of Microsoft's 'Longhorn'?
by Peter Coffee, eWeek
Panther, with its innovative Expose and Fast User Switching visualizations, might begin the actual movement of real-world user environments in directions that William Gibson first visualized — and that Gibson later developed, when his Hermes 2000 was no longer worth the cost of repair, on an Apple II.

Technology Vs. Legislation: Part Two — iTunes For Windows And The RIAA
by Alan Graham, O'Reilly Network
We are on a slippery slope each time we make a concession with the RIAA. You can't work with a bully whose idea of working with you is telling you what to do and if you disagree, they'll take you to court.

Top Ten Reasons Why The iTunes Music Store Will Outplay The Competition
by Bill Palmer
Here's why the competition doesn't stand a chance.

A Mac Head's Bow To Dell
by Alex Salkever, BusinessWeek
Yes, it's true: My Windows PC runs faster than my iMac. You — and Steve Jobs — can blame Motorola and its pokey chip design.


Macworld Lab: First Test Results Of Latest PowerBooks
by Macworld

iSkin eXo: The New iPod Bodyguard
by TheMacMind

Slick New iPod Even Better
by Tom Mainelli, PC World
Apple has improved upon an already great product, creating an MP3 player that I'd be happy to own. Nevertheless, the price tag seems artificially high.

Wide-Open Spaces
by Christopher Allbritton, Popular Mechanics
If you want big and light, and can afford it, go with the PowerBook.

by Erica Marceau, Applelinks

Apple Wireless Mouse And Keyboard Tips And Tricks
by Francois Joseph de Kermadec, O'Reilly Network
The lastest gizmos from Apple are very cool products and a purchase you certainly won't regret. In case you were wondering how they behave, here is a preview.

Finding Nemo: Nemo's Underwater World Of Fun
by Amy R. Wood, MacHome
Parents should find that the difficulty level isn't too daunting for little kids and the activities are interesting enough for older kids (in the 6-10 range). All in all, it's a fun game that'll keep kids obsessed with Nemo until the DVD release.

SimCity 4
by Cathy Lu, MacAddict
The bottom line is that if you like games of this ilk, you'll enjoy this very solid update of a classic.

Nisus Writer Express
by Mary E. Tyler, MacAddict
Express is still a good solution for the Nisus-faithful looking to move to OS X, and a decent option for reading Word documents without Word's high price tag — unfortunately, it's also lacking classic Nisus' completeness.


Wednesday, October 15, 2003
by Heng-Cheong Leong

BUILT WITH LEGO, Waterfall and Waterfall.

I admire those who can manipulate little Lego bricks, because, well, I can't.

RUMOR DU JOUR : Apple is once again redesigning the iMac.


Why Ballmer Doesn't Get It On Security?
by Patrick Gray, ZDNet Australia
Microsoft has come a long way in its understanding of security over the last five years, but comments made last week by its chief executive Steve Ballmer go to show it needs to change not only its approach, but must recognize that it doesn't operate in a vacuum.

Why Intel Reaped A Profit Payoff
by Cliff Edwards, BusinessWeek
The chip giant's investments during the downturn are now bringing in big returns. For other tech outfits, however, expectations remain mixed.

Intel's 3Q Profit More Than Doubles
by Larry Geenemeier, InformationWeek
The biggest demand for PCs since the tech boom of the 1990s helped the world's largest chipmaker ring up net income of $1.66 billion.

Microsoft Updates Digital Media Package
by Stefanie Olsen, CNET
Microsoft started selling an updated version of its Plus Digital Media Edition entertainment software on Tuesday that now lets people create digital-photo slideshows on the PC and watch them on a DVD player.

Microsoft Unpacks Details Of Longhorn Storage
by Martin LaMonica, CNET
The Longhorn edition of Microsoft's Windows operating system is at least two years away — but the company is revealing some details on how it intends to create a smooth transition from today's Windows PCs

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