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Wednesday, April 7, 2004

Top Stories

Band Practice Leaves The Garage
by Stephen Williams, Newsday
Since its release in Janaury, Garage and, which allows even the most musically challenged person to construct a tune through simple software, has received rave reviews.

Group: School Laptops A Necessity
by Associated Press
Students joined a coalition of local and state educators and business groups to defend Maine's pioneering laptop program as not just a nicety, but a ncessity.

Apple Computer Loses Bid To Hear Beatles Case In US
by Reuters
A London High Court judge on Tuesday struck down Apple's request to have the case heard by California courts.


Henrico Schools Begin Free Online Textbook Trial
by Tom Lappas,

It's Official
by Rick Schaut
The press release went out at midnight, so I can talk a little bit about Mac Office 2004 in general and Mac Word 2004 in particular.

A Nice Little Earner Going For A Song
by Alan Cane and Adam Woods, Financial Times
Mr jobs' position is undenialy getting stronger all the time.

Customer Respect Survey Ranks Apple Site Below Average
by Peter Cohen, MacCentral
"Apple tended to score low in Responsiveness and Attitude, and they scored lower in the area of Principles."


What Apple Stores Aren't Doing
by Alex Salkever, BusinessWeek
By most counts, they're a hit. But they were intended to woo new users to the fold, yet Mac market share has only budged — lower.


The Cocoa Controller Layer
by Michael Beam, O'Reilly Network

Find Macintosh Freeware For Fun, Productivity
by Leonard Fischer, Gannett News Service
Macintosh fans will want to check out these freeware gems that run under the OS X operating system.


Better Than An iPod
by Heng-Cheong Leong

Dan Gillmor discovers that a PowerBook + Treo is better than an iPod.


Making Customers Miserale The Microsoft Way
by Ian Altman, CNET
Now customers have the choice to press for lower licensing fees, or abandon Windows altogether.

Blogs Put Developers In Microsoft 'Cockpit'
by David Becker, CNET
Microsoft quietly launched a new site, Channel 9, that combines logs, discussion forums and other technology to improve communications with developers.

Sun Says Microsoft Pact Not A Blow To Standards
by Stephen Shankland, CNET

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