Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Apple's Pod Of Gold
If ever a single device has had an impact on the mindset of consumers way beyond its actual size, it is Apple's iPod.
Apple Grabs Enterprise Tail
Apple is counting on some advancements to its next-generation operating system to win it more space in the enterprise.
Apple's Tactics Leave Bad Taste: Poisoned Policies Doom Resellers
Behind the lawsuit is a sad, human tale reminiscent of a romance gone bad.
iPod Is 'Gadget Of The Century'
"I have every model. My CD collection from my entire life is on them," says Will Smith.
eDonkey Now Available For Mac OS X
Apple Names Cluster For Bioinformatics Award Winners
Apple awarded Apple Workgroup Clusters to five scientific researchers in the United States.
Was The Apple iMac Design Stolen?
A Belgian wewbdesigner has stepped up nd claims that Apple has stolen his designs for the current Apple iMac.
What Should Apple Do?
Forget ethics — it's just good PR. Worth ten times the price they would have paid.
The iPod And Manual Mode
I'd like to use today's entry to clear up some confusion about how Manual Mode works.