Monday, September 20, 2004
Apple Store Plans Second UK Retail Store
The new Apple Store will be located in Birmingham at the Bullring shopping area, which just opened on September 4.
Macs Bring Lord Of The Rings, Other DVDs To Life
Apple Denies Apple AdWord Use
Apple hs moved to prevent UK resellers employing the wrod Apple in elements of their online advertising, reports claim.
Apple Shares Flying High
Apple's stock reached a new 52-week high on Friday, closing at $37.14.
iMac G5 Plans UK Tour
Apple's rock-star new iMac will be making its public debut across the UK in a series of 'iMac G5 Discovery Days' at Apple resellers across the UK.
Think Simple
Industrial design drives new iMac, Apple's fortunes.
Kansas City Apple Store To Open This Saturday
Terrence Coggin
Terrenc Coggin is the president and chief technology officer of La Jolla-based Information Appliance Associates, creators of the PocketMac series of software programs that bridge the digital divide Macintosh users face when trying to send data to devices such as Pocket PCs.
New iMac Clicks With Shoppers, Drags 'Em In
"We've been getting 50 to 75 calls a day just to see if we have them since the day it was announced."
A Music Download Site For Artists Less Known
When the new service starts this week, eMusic will look as much like a magazine as an online music service, with an assortment of reviews, recommendations and columns.
iMac Upgrade A Chore, But Could Be Worth It
Mac OS: Take Command Of Your OS
The average OS X users shouldn't ever need to venture anywhere near the command line interface, but since you're not the average OS X user, it's probably time to have a rummage.
This is how scientists from the RAND Corporation predicted the home computer will look like in the year 2004, 50 years ago.
Update: The photo is a hoax.
Mr Gates Goes To Washington
Microsoft cared little for politics until the Department of Justice called it a monopoly. Now the company approaches lobbying the way it approaches everything — aggressively — and consequently it dominates the technology policy agenda. CIOs may not be better off for it.