
Mac news for Mac people

Monday, November 1, 2004

Top Stories

Apple Sees Market Share Decline In Q3

Despite positive financial results, an increase in Mac unit sales, and the popularity of the iPod, Apple's worldwide market share has declined, according to Gartner.


iTunes On Pocket PC 'Possible'

Information Appliance Associates has devised an application that enables the automatic transfer of music from Apple iTunes to Pocket PCs and MS Smartphone handsets.

iPod Still An Eyecatcher

Analysts say Apple could continue to dominate. But, they say, they expect its market share to erode amid the slew of new arrivals, which are matching the iPod's storage capacity; approaching it in style and ease of use; adding extra features such as an FM tuner or voice recorder; and, in some cases, undercutting Apple in price.


More On Apple's Breaking Of The iPod

There are innumberable untilities available to help you move your music from your iPod to your Mac, of course, but that's not the point. The point is that Apple is devoting time, money, and lawyer- and engineer-hours to breaking your iPod and selling it to you as a "fix."

Stevenote Review

Arguably, what's right is that you can take any digital content with you, but whatever: Apple only has a photo solution right now, so they'll run with that.


A Computer To Love

It's certainly a machine that would sit well anywhere in the house and, with the outstanding iLife software suite, is a powerful and flexible computing tool.

Airport Express — Don't Leave Home Without It!

We thought the Airport Express would have its travel advantage in hotels, but as it turns out its real advantage has been in internet cafes where the owners don't seem to mind us using our laptops.


Touch Me, Scroll Me, And I'll Play You Some Tunes

An actual working iPod Halloween costume, with a Microsoft Tablet PC as the brain.

Welcome To The Dark Side

It seems Apple's DRM restriction is getting dumber everyday. A reader from MacInTouch reports that the latest iTunes will not get the track name for you, if you didn't rip the song in iTunes yourself. The fine line between being the good guy (it's all RIAA's fault!) and the bad guy (I'm in bed with RIAA folks) is now somewhere underneath Apple's feets.

Kerry Is Going To Win

And the winner of this election: John Kerry. Why? Because the Redskins lost to the Green Bay Packers.

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