
Mac news for Mac people

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Top Stories

We're In The Era Of Jobs II

Apple already rivals Dell in manufacturing efficiency, and is poised to beat it on profit margins, earnings and revenue growth. On new product innovation, analysts say, Apple is unrivalled.


The Natives Are Restless

MyAppleMenu Shuffle, a new podcast from me, is up and running. Please e-mail me should you encounter any problems. Life is random.


The Desk Set

Here are some eye-catching desks I spotted at Expo that you will be able to get your hands on — once they start shipping, that is.

The Macworld Unknown Best Of Show

There are a number of products on the show floor that might interest you, but don't necessarily get picked up by the mainstream press. Here's my list of the 5 best Mac/non-Mac items of Macworld 2005.

Monster Fueled By Caffeine

Delicious Monster is the Mac software company behind the hit Delicious Library, a program for cataloging collections of books, movies and games. The software is elling like hot cakes and has garnered rave reviews and awards, yet the company's headquarters is a Seattle coffee house.

New Apps At Macworld Lure Print Professionals

Though this year's Macworld Expo here had a definite focus on consumer hardware, many third-party developers used the occasion to show off applications designed for print professionals on the Mac OS X platform.

How Big Will The Mini Be?

Windows developer Alex Gorbatchev just bought his first Mac.

Little iPod Looms Large In American Culture

The iPod is the perfection of mass customization. Everybody gets the same thing yet everybody thinks his or hers is hipper than anyone else's.

iPod Extravaganza, Part II: Macworld Expo

Little Things Are Big At Macworld SF 05

While Windows users struggle with viruses and pop-up ads, Macintosh users don't feel their machine is in the way of what they want to do.

Analyst: iPod Reaching iconic Status

"[Apple] just have incredible brand momentum at this point."


Macworld Expo And Web Standards: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Apple's newly-annouunced Pages application looks like a wonderful little lightweight page layout program... and a terrible disaster as a HTML editor.

Less Is More

Thinking About The Mac Mini / The Mac Sweet Spot

The Joy Of Travel In The Digital Age

Travelling has become a much more complex endeavor than it used to be.

Like Podcasts? Pass On The iPod Shuffle

Podcasting is gaining steam and will go mainstream this year. Somebody will be well-served to offer a device that accommodates them.

Podcasters: Curb Your Whining About The Shuffle And Taking A Podcast-Centric View Of The World

This is an iPod with training wheels, so young folk in particularly can learn to use iTunes and the iTunes Music Store.

Whither iFlicks? Or Should I Say, "iFlix?"

The notice above is similar to one that appeared for an application named "SoundJam MP" a few years ago.


Apple Mac OS X Tiger: A First Look

Due in mid-2005, Apple's new Mac OS X 10.4 promises more than 200 features.


Mini And Cube: Happy Together Hmmm... looks like there's room for about 4 Mac Mini's in the cabinet from a Cube.

Rumor Today: Apple G5 Notebooks Coming In Second Quarter 2005?

Ars Technica: According to Taiwan-based DigiTimes, Apple will start receiving shipments of G5-based notebooks in the second quarter of this year.

Rumor Today: HP Halts Orders For Apple's iPod Music Players

HP and Apple is in dispute, according to AppleInsider, over the lack of price protection offered by Apple.


Does Microsoft Find Excuse For Their Security Woes In Mythology?

If mythology helps to fuel Microsoft's lagging response, I hope I can do what I can to help debunk the sily myths.

Microsoft: No Flaw In Media Player

A set of video files available on peer-to-peer networks is piggybacking on Microsoft's antipiracy tools to trick viewers into downloading adware and spyware, security experts have warned.

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