
Mac news for Mac people

Sunday, March 27, 2005


Madison Avenue's Image Of The iPod Is A Shadow Dancer Getting Down...

Apple's iPod and other digital music players were clearly designed with Ben Folds, not Beethoven, fans in mind. From its cataloging system to a dearth of downloadable classics, the iPod presents challenges to longhairs. But Lexington-area classical aficionados say overcoming some bugaboos is worth it for a player that serves their needs like no other.

Lend Them Your Ears: iPod Has All The Best Tunes, But Mobiles Are Coming To Bury It

The race is now on to make the mobile phone the portable media player of choice.

Hacking Away At Apple

Apple has traditionally been regarded as partially immune to the exploits of hackers and virus writers, thanks to its low market share — but those days may be over.

Apple Settles Lawsuit With Developer Over Tiger Leak

Apple on Wedesday settled a lawsuit with one of its developers, Doug Steigerwald, that leaked a copy of Mac OS X Tiger on a file-sharing Web site. "While Apple will always protect its innovation, it is not our desire to send students to jail," an Apple spokesperson said.

Apple Releases Mac OS X Security Update


Taking Up With Apple Won't Be Easy As Pie

I Want Less And I'm Willing To Pay For It

Because in flow, every second counts.


Parasol Wallop

A refreshing change from the endless stream of shooters and strategy games on the market, Parasol Wallop harks back to a time when games were a lot of fun without being overly complicated.

Postal 2: Share The Pain

Rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. Still, it's sick and twisted fun for gamers looking for a different take on the FPS experience.


Want A Private Tour Of Disneyland?

Find out more about "tidbits of history that don't fit with The Walt Disney Co.'s carefully groomed, family friendly image." Of course, the in-person tour is now being banned by Disney. So? All you have to do now is get an iPod.

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