
Mac news for Mac people

Sunday, July 31, 2005


More Universities Make Laptops A Must For Their Freshmen

There was a time when the most expensive classroom-related items for undergraduates were textbooks. That was then.

What's On Your iPod?

Here in the Green Mountain State, well-known and less-known residents are slowly but surely catching on to the trned in portable music.

iPod People Love Accessories

The Apple iPod is becoming a lot like the little black dress of digital music players; in order to make it stylish, you have to have the right accessories.

Advances Give Voice To Boom In Recorders

Thanks to leaps in technology — and a slick trick for the iPod — more people are talking up the modern-day version of the microcassette.

Apple Recruiting Sony VAIO Engineers To Build The First Intel PowerBook?

A reliable source tells us that Apple has been poaching from Sony.


Knit Your Own iPod Socks

Yes, One More Dead Mac

Even if it is still under warranty, Apple is going out of its way to make it hard for me to get the iMac fixed.


I Wish I'll Never Taste The Feeling...

of watching your Powerbook fall to the ground, and the screen shattering.

"Oh shit."

The Worst Is The Best

You know what, some of the most entertaining and wonderful writing from Roger Ebert come from reviews of really bad movies. Like this one. :-)

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