Sunday, February 25, 2007
Wilkes University Goes All-Mac
One goal is to create a virtually virus-free IT network.
Europe's Apple Attack
There are few legal parallels between the Microsoft and Apple cases. But both reflect Europe's deep anxiety about its lack of clout in the digital world.
My First Mac Problem
Turns out Mac Minis are notoriously bad at playing nicely with TVs through a DVI connection. This surprised me given how many people I know have connected a Mac Mini to their living room televisions.
The Apple Experience
You really don't appreciate the whole "Apple Experience" until you experience an amateurish attempt by some other company.
A Visit To Apple
And so, a gang of new Mac fans at Google visited Apple and became full on converts.
Beware Of Giving Something As Cool As An iPod
As Wendy Donahue found out, when she gave her husband an iPod Nano and Nike+iPod sport kit for their wedding anniversay, she "never dreamed he'd use them to impress other women." :-)
That Error Condition Will Never Happen, Or Why Writing Bug-Free Software Can Be Hard
From Hugh Thompson, here's an account of how he managed to crash an entire in-flight entertainment system with Tetris.