
The True-and-False Edition Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The True And False Security Benefits Of Mac App Notarization, by Jeff Johnson

Almost everyone, including Apple, has painted a false picture of the security benefit of Mac app notarization. There is a true benefit, which I haven't seen anyone mention, but I'll discuss it here. On the other hand, the publicly touted benefits of notarization are bunk, in my opinion, and I'm going to debunk them in this post too. Most notably, I'll explain how the notarization malware scan is superfluous security theater, a mere marketing gimmick that I believe ought to be abolished because of the burden it places on legitimate developers.

WWDC 2019 For Developers: Siri, Marzipan And AR Improvements, More, by Guilherme Rambo, 9to5Mac

Today, we are sharing details about new features and APIs for developers that should be announced at the event, according to sources familiar with the development of Apple’s new operating systems.


Apple's New iPad Mini Is A Summer Suitcase Essential, Again, by Robert Leedham, GQ

So as much this tablet might not have the broad appeal as it once did, its globetrotting charms remain very much intact. Or rather they’ve been polished up with aplomb by this recent update. If you’ve room in your suitcase this summer, the iPad mini is worth squeezing in there once again.

Why I've Learned To Hate My Apple Watch, by Evan Schuman, Computerworld

Much of my fury is caused by missed opportunities. With a few small tweaks, the Apple Watch experience could be one of happiness and efficiency. Fortunately for Apple, I am now going to share those tweaks. Until then, though, I will continue to curse at this buzzy, won't-show-me-what-I-want-except-when-I-don't-want-it, overpriced annoyance.

Zillow Launches AI-powered 3D Home Tours In The U.S. And Canada, by Kyle Wiggers, VentureBeat

For prospective home buyers, touring a house traditionally entails commuting to top prospects and painstakingly documenting each room with photos, but Zillow wants to drag the process into the 21st century. To that end, the Seattle, Washington-based real estate database company today announced the debut of 3D Home, an AI-powered iOS app that allows potential buyers to view 360-degree pics and tours of properties.


How The Boeing 737 Max Disaster Looks To A Software Developer, by Gregory Travis, IEEE Spectrum

Those lines of code were no doubt created by people at the direction of managers. Neither such coders nor their managers are as in touch with the particular culture and mores of the aviation world as much as the people who are down on the factory floor, riveting wings on, designing control yokes, and fitting landing gears. Those people have decades of institutional memory about what has worked in the past and what has not worked. Software people do not.


I believe the relative ease—not to mention the lack of tangible cost—of software updates has created a cultural laziness within the software engineering community. Moreover, because more and more of the hardware that we create is monitored and controlled by software, that cultural laziness is now creeping into hardware engineering—like building airliners. Less thought is now given to getting a design correct and simple up front because it’s so easy to fix what you didn’t get right later.


JCPenney Explains Why It Dropped Apple Pay, by Sarah Perez, TechCrunch

As of this date, all terminals at U.S. merchants locations that accept contactless payments must actively support EMV contactless chip functionality, and the legacy MSD (magnetic stripe data) contactless technology must be retired.

JCPenney was not ready to comply, it seems, so it switched off all contactless payment options as a result.

Bottom of the Page

Some songs do remind me of people that I've lost touch, places that I've yet to return, memories that have been etched into my brain.

Books or movies seldom do that, probably because I seldom re-read books or movies. Although some movie franchise and book series play the same memory-triggering role too.

And that's why, when I am doing something I want to forget in the future, I take out my ear buds.


Thanks for reading.