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by Scott McNulty, The Unofficial Apple Weblog
PC is feeling a little bloated thanks to all the trial software PC manufaturers cram onto their machines.
by Heng-Cheong Leong, MyAppleMenu
Don't panic when, on your next flight to New Zealand or Los Angeles, that you hear your plane's engine shutting down in the air. It's an all-new planet-saving cost-cutting glide descent approach.
Only panic when you see a monster sitting on the wing of the aircraft, okay?
by Simon Kent, Apple
by Joe Cellini, Apple
"Final Cut Pro supports HD in a really great way, because the HD workflow process is right at the heart of its design."
by Peter Cohen, Macworld
At the end of the day, Apple's goal here is to present a product that's got the fit and finsih we've come to demand from Apple. It's one of the few companies out there that can really deliver what it has promised, even if the deadline slips.
by Christopher Breen, Macworld
SpamX 3.0.2 is far difficult and unpleasant to use than any spam utility should be. A good manual and a decent interface would go a long way towards making SpamX an acceptable option for Mac users.