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You are here in the archive: MyAppleMenu > 2007 > April > 21
by Heng-Cheong Leong, MyAppleMenu
If you havve ever worked with Windows Me — that's the consumer version of Windows that is after Windows 98 and before Windows XP — you would understand perfectly why Microsoft wants to change history and pretend that this version never existed. :-)
by Meme Agora
I can't resist beating everyone on the head with the moral: Don't succumb to FUD because something is different.
by Aidan Malley, AppleInsider
An Illinois-based company and its Nevada partner have filed a lawsuit against Apple, alleging that Mac OS X 10.4 "Tiger" treads on an interface patent that affects the operating system's nearly universal use of tabs.
by Munir Kotadia, ZDNet Australia
This week I stumbled across a very clever video that shows someone demonstrating Apple's iPhoto software, with a voiceover from a Microsoft presentation describing some very similar features in Windows Vista.
by Valleywag
The main beneficiary will be Apple, which dominates podcasting with iTunes, and the window for new intermediaries, between broadcasters and their audience, is fading.
See Also: Dave Winer: I strongly disagree. The users won. And the people with programming that the users like won.
by Nancy Gohring, Computerworld
A hacker managed to break into a Mac and win a $10,000 prize as part of a contest started at the CanSecWest security conference in Vancouver.
In winning the contest, he exposed a hole in Safari, Apple Inc.'s browser. "Currently, every copy of OS X out there now is vulnerable to this," said Sean Comeau, one of the organizers of CanSecWest.