James Gleick, New York Times
Who’s the boss of our fingers?
Julie Ng
As Mat’s case demonstrated, we’re often only as safe and secure as our passwords.
Mac Performance Guide
If one edits a document than does Save As, then both the edited original document and the copy are saved, thus not only saving a new copy, but silently saving the original with the same changes, thus overwriting the original.
Embrace the new model of document management with Saves, Duplicates, and Reverts. Don't use Save As. Once you get used it, life will be better.
Daniel Jalkut, Red Sweater
Culturally and technologically, we have certainly come a long way from plain-text passphrases stored in a file, but it’s clear there is a lot more to be done. In the mean time, I’ll just be here fumbling with my phone every other minute, cursing Apple as I bask in a moderate sense of security for having jumped through all these hoops.