MyAppleMenu - Sun, Mar 22, 2015

Sun, Mar 22, 2015 The Hand-Eye-Coordination Edition

The Touch-Screen Generation

Hann Rosin, The Atlantic:

Norman Rockwell never painted Boy Swiping Finger on Screen, and our own vision of a perfect childhood has never adjusted to accommodate that now-common tableau. Add to that our modern fear that every parenting decision may have lasting consequences—that every minute of enrichment lost or mindless entertainment indulged will add up to some permanent handicap in the future—and you have deep guilt and confusion. To date, no body of research has definitively proved that the iPad will make your preschooler smarter or teach her to speak Chinese, or alternatively that it will rust her neural circuitry—the device has been out for only three years, not much more than the time it takes some academics to find funding and gather research subjects. So what’s a parent to do?

An App to Help Blind Type Quickly on iPad


Created by Stanford engineer Sohan Dharmaraja, the app -- named IBrailler Notes -- uses eight keys. What's different about it is that the keys form around the fingertips when they're placed on the screen. Which means that if a user loses his way, he simply lifts his fingers from the screen and places them down again.

You Need to Start Understanding Me, Siri


Industry sources say there's only one possible hole: Not all banks are doing Apple Pay setup right.

Inside Apple's Top Secret Health Lab for Apple Watch

Rebecca Jarvis, ABC Nightline:

Behind this unassuming door, a covert operation at the world's most valuable company. Let's go check it out.

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