
The Independent-Journey Edition Sunday, February 9, 2020

Inside Singapore's Oldest Islamic Religious School, Where They Put Faith In Apple iPads, by Ilyas Sholihyn, AsiaOne

In those early days of the iPad, there weren’t that many apps that could actually support a full-fledged educational system, not to mention a specialised curriculum such as Madrasah Alsagoff’s combination of Islamic knowledge, English, Malay, Arabic, Mathematics and Science syllabuses.

So the school embarked on an independent journey to develop its own software and digital learning materials, training its students to digitise textbooks and produce interactive content that could be shared among their peers and future generations. This they did through iBooks Author software — Apple’s e-book writing app — that allowed every student to contribute to the efforts. By the time they reach Primary 6, they would have been taught to create and publish textbooks for younger students to use.

Wacom Defends Itself Against Data Harvesting Accusations, by Malcolm Owen, AppleInsider

Wacom claims it collects data "for quality insurance and development purposes only," with the driver collecting a "sample of information" such as the model, hardware usage, and the names of apps. The company does not collect MAC addresses nor serial numbers.

While data is collected through Google Analytics, while Google does collect the IP address, Wacom does not have access to that data. Google Analytics is also said to anonymize the data before Wacom receives it.

The Apple Watch Activity Challenge Is Great, But It Has One Weird Flaw, by Henry T. Casey, Tom's Guide

Yes, that doesn't make sense, but who said gamification — turning work or routine into a fun game where you can get a prize — had to be perfect? Maybe there should be a third kind of award, such as "4,200 Club" or "Maximum Competition Score." In the end, it's good that neither of us got anything less than both of the virtual medals that we desired.

My Productivity App For The Past 12 Years Has Been A Single .Txt File, by Jeff Huang

So I tried various forms of todo lists, task trackers, and productivity apps. They were all discouraging because the things to do kept getting longer, and there were too many interrelated things like past meeting notes, calendar appointments, idea lists, and lab notebooks, which were all on different systems.

I gave up and started just tracking in a single text file and have been using it as my main productivity system for 12 years now. It is so essential to my work now, and has surprisingly scaled with a growing set of responsibilities, that I wanted to share this system. It's been my secret weapon.

Bottom of the Page

I'm thinking of endings lately. More specifically: how to end things while still in control? As I enter my sixth decade on this earth sometime later this year, I think I will have to figure out how to end things in a graceful and subtle manner, while making sure that things that should continue without me can continue without me.

So many things. So many endings.


Thanks for reading.