
The Protecting-Attackers Edition Monday, March 1, 2021

How Apple's Locked Down Security Gives Extra Protection To The Best Hackers, by Patrick Howell O'Neill, Technology Review

Virtually every expert agrees that the locked-down nature of iOS has solved some fundamental security problems, and that with these restrictions in place, the iPhone succeeds spectacularly in keeping almost all the usual bad guys out. But when the most advanced hackers do succeed in breaking in, something strange happens: Apple’s extraordinary defenses end up protecting the attackers themselves.

“It’s a double-edged sword,” says Bill Marczak, a senior researcher at the cybersecurity watchdog Citizen Lab. “You’re going to keep out a lot of the riffraff by making it harder to break iPhones. But the 1% of top hackers are going to find a way in and, once they’re inside, the impenetrable fortress of the iPhone protects them.”

All The Little Things That Add Up To Make iPadOS Productivity A Pain, by Samuel Axon, Ars Technica

But while we've found in our iPadOS reviews that Apple has done a marvelous job with the big-picture changes to the OS aimed at making it real-work-friendly, there are still a bunch of minor annoyances or "nope, you can't do that" limitations that sabotage Apple's intentions.

Coming Soon

iOS 14.5 To Introduce Find My Support For Powerbeats Pro, by Sami Fathi, MacRumors

Like ‌AirPods‌, users will be able to trigger a sound to play from the ‌Powerbeats Pro‌ to locate them. All in all, the new integration helps blur the line between the software experience for Apple’s ‌AirPods‌ line and the Beats brand.


'Things' App Review: A Smart Tool To Help You Get Things Done, by Alex Hazlett, Mashable

Things shines in the way that it blends your calendar with your other priorities, giving you a clear overview of your day.

Review: Sketchboard Pro Saves Your Back And Neck While Using The iPad For Art, by Amber Neely, AppleInsider

The Sketchboard Pro is, essentially, a large case for your iPad. All you'll need to do is press your iPad into the rubber recess, and it will securely fit in, with the screen sitting flush with the rest of the SketchBoard Pro.

This flushness means you can draw edge-to-edge without needing to worry about the annoying issue of bumping your iPad while moving. It also allows you to rest your hand to the side of your screen rather than directly on it, which can eliminate those annoying false-positive gestures.


Do Great Work, Then Tell People About It, by Allen Pike

Fledgling apps are usually leaky buckets: most prospective customers bounce right off of them. Helpful for the team’s learning and iteration, but hardly a business. And all the marketing in the world won’t fill a leaky bucket.

So the approach in the software world is to first build a good bucket. When that’s coming together – often many iterations in – you can hone in on a marketing strategy that suits the kind of bucket you’ve ended up with.

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Stay safe. And thanks for reading.