
The Mostly-Touch-Friendly Edition Monday, February 6, 2023

macOS Isn't As Small As You Think, by Matt Birchler, Birchtree

There's a narrative out there that touch is just so incompatible with macOS and that in order to make it work, the macOS UI would have to get blown up to comical proportions, but I don't think that's the case. Changes will be made, but I think macOS is more touch-friendly today than many people give it credit for.

Apple's End-to-End iCloud Could Be A Security Game Changer, by Joseph Cox, Motherboard

“For years we’ve had to deal with the fact that an entire copy of our phone lives on a server that’s outside of our control. Now the data on that server is under our control. That’s really all that’s changed here,” Matthew Green, associate professor at Johns Hopkins University, told Motherboard in an online chat. “I think it’s an extremely important development.”

Apple's Culture Is What Makes The Mac A Bad Gaming Platform, by Dan Moren, Macworld

At a high level, the heart of the issue is that there doesn’t seem to be anybody at Apple who has both a passion for games and is in a position to effect policy changes. One of the reasons the iPod and iTunes Store were so successful is because it was clear that Steve Jobs really was a music fan–it let him tap into what other music fans really wanted, and he had the drive to make the products great. That same enthusiasm has never really been there for other media, like TV or movies, which ended up more as items for Apple to check off a list.

Looking at the top level of Apple’s leadership, it’s hard to picture any of them as avid gamers. Sure, I’m certain most of them have played games from time to time, but I don’t sincerely believe any of them consider it something they’re passionate about in the way that Jobs was about music. I get a distinct impression, having covered this company for almost two decades, that the attitude of Apple towards gaming is still, at best, a well-meaning bafflement or, at worst, a more snobbish condescension.


Raycast Is The Launcher App Apple Wishes It Made, by Justin Pot, Wired

Raycast is a free Mac application that takes this even further. It can launch apps, yes, but it can do a lot more than that—like show you your clipboard history, organize your windows, and even put your computer to sleep. [...] Raycast is the best customization app I've come across in a long time. Here's what it can do.


A Third Place? I'm Not Sure I Even Have A Second Anymore., by Connor Oliver,

In a world where a third place is increasingly difficult to find, what do we do when we lose our second place as well? I honestly don't know and I have no insight to offer as I'm completely unqualified to do so, but I can say that I've noticed the affect it has had on my life more and more as time has gone on


Lisa Source Code: Understanding Clascal, by Eschatology

While Lisa appears to have an underlying procedural API similar to that of the Macintosh Toolbox, the Office System applications were primarily written in the Clascal language—an object-oriented dialect of Pascal designed by Apple with Niklaus Wirth—using the Lisa Application ToolKit so they could share as much code as possible between all of them. This framework is the forerunner of most modern frameworks, including MacApp and the NeXT frameworks, which in turn were huge influences on the Java and .NET frameworks.

One of the interesting things about Clascal is that it doesn’t add much to the Pascal dialect Apple was using at the time: Pascal was originally designed by Wirth to be a teaching language and several constructs useful for systems programming were left out, but soon added back by people who saw Pascal as a nice, straightforward, compact language with simple semantics that’s straightforward to compile. While in the 1990s there was a bitter war fought between the Pascal and C communities for microcomputer development, practically speaking the popular Pascal dialects and C are almost entirely isomorphic; there’s almost nothing in C that’s not similarly simple to express in Pascal, and vice versa.

Apple Couldn't Fix It, AT&T Couldn't Fix It. One Man's Descent Into iPhone Torment, by Chris Matyszczyk, ZDNet

You know that moment when your pilot tells you to sit back and relax?

Well, I'm going to suggest you lean forward and tense yourself.

For this is the tale of a man who thought he had a little problem and then discovered it was far, far larger than he thought.

How did I learn of this story? The main protagonist, my very good friend Bruce -- I've withheld his name, hopefully for obvious reasons -- kept texting me about it. And emailing. And screaming a little. Then a lot.

Bottom of the Page

With not much of inhouse talents -- remember Planet of the Apps? -- Apple managed to be simply spent money and build up TV+ to be more HBO than HBO, can't Apple buy its way into the gaming market on macOS?

Or, is Apple really thinking of getting on those iPad games onto macOS soon?


Thanks for reading.