
The Square-Peg Edition Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Can Apple Really Start A Classical-music Revolution?, by James Hall, The Telegraph

Will Page, former chief economist at Spotify, says classical music has never really fitted the established streaming model. He remembers going for a meeting about streaming at classical label Decca Records when he was at the Swedish company. Page was accompanied by “the best data scientists” Stockholm could offer. “We came out like we were hit by a bus,” he recalls. “[We thought] ‘This doesn’t work. The way you get paid, the time it takes to compose, the nature of collaboration, how classical music is classified. This is a square peg, and streaming is a round hole.’”

So how precisely will it work, and what are the specific hurdles that Apple needs to clear?

Legacy of Tim Cook

To Ship Or Not To Ship, Headset Edition, by John Gruber, Daring Fireball

But more importantly, the FT’s reporting makes it sound as though this decision was solely between the industrial design team and Jeff Williams’s operations team. That’s not how Apple works. Left out of the FT’s reporting are both Mike Rockwell’s AR/VR team within Apple (more of a division than a mere team — at least 1,000 or more software and hardware engineers, designers, and AR/VR content creators), and Greg Joswiak’s product marketing division.


What I don’t buy, though, is the angle that Tim Cook is fast-tracking the product because he sees it in anyway as essential to bolstering his “legacy”.

There's A New Reality Distortion Field Because Tim Cook Is Doomed, by The Macalope, Macworld

It must be fun to be Tim Cook and to release the Watch and have everyone crow that the first product released under your tenure is a “flop” and then eight years later after it’s clear it was actually a hit people start saying “Oh, yeah, that was all Steve Jobs.”


Agenda Note-taking App Adds Multiwindow Support, New Lifetime Purchase Option, More, by Chance Miller, 9to5Mac

Agenda, the popular note-taking app for iPhone, iPad, and Mac, has been updated to version 17 today. This update includes multiwindow support on iPadOS and macOS, allowing you to “split off any note or project into a separate window,” among other changes.


Pi Is Hiding Everywhere, by Rhett Allain, Wired

So anytime you’re dealing with circles, it seems quite logical that the number pi could show up. But many situations where pi appears at first seem to have nothing to do with circles at all. In quantum mechanics, it's in the solution to the Schrödinger equation, the way we model electrons and protons in an atom. It's in the magnetic permeability constant, which is used for calculating magnetic fields. It appears in the motion of a mass swinging on a string, otherwise known as a pendulum. It's in the electric constant, which is used for calculating the electric field due to charges. And it's even in the uncertainty principle, which says you can’t precisely know both the momentum and position of a particle.

Why does it keep showing up? Really, there are two primary reasons: symmetry and oscillations.

Bottom of the Page

I strongly doubt Mr Tim Cook has any iota of care about his legacy. And he probably cares even less what anyone declare to his legacy, or lack thereof.


Thanks for reading.