
The Extra-Time Edition Saturday, July 29, 2023

Apple’s Parental Controls Are Broken, by Julie Jargon, Wall Street Journal

The company’s cloud-based Family Sharing system is designed in part for parents to remotely schedule off-limits time and restrict apps and adult content on their children’s iPhones, iPads and iPod Touch models. Trouble is, parents are finding that when they use their iPhones to set restrictions on their kids’ devices, the changes don’t stick.

“We are aware that some users may be experiencing an issue where Screen Time settings are unexpectedly reset,” an Apple spokeswoman said. “We take these reports very seriously and we have been, and will continue, making updates to improve the situation.”


This can go unnoticed for days or weeks—and kids don’t always report back when they get extra time for games and social media.

Apple Pencils Can’t Draw Straight On Third-party Replacement iPad Screens, by Kevin Purdy, Ars Technica

The latest part of an Apple device to demand a repair by its maker appears to be the screens on newer iPads. Reports from repair shops and customers suggest that Apple Pencils no longer work properly on non-genuine Apple screens, as they draw squiggly lines on a diagonal instead of straight.


Instapaper For iOS And macOS Adds Article Reordering, Better Shortcuts Integration, More, by Zac Hall, 9to5Mac

Updates to the iOS and macOS apps this week continue the trend with better ways to manage articles and improved integration with Shortcuts.

Hands-on With Porsche's New CarPlay App – The Best Big Auto UX We've Seen, by Jameson Dow, 9to5Mac

We’re still waiting for the next-gen CarPlay experience which Apple announced last year, which promises greater integration with vehicle functions than today’s version of CarPlay.

In the meantime, though, Porsche has taken it upon itself to build its own app which offers the best of both worlds – a snappy, CarPlay-like user interface, along with control of some vehicle functions which were heretofore unavailable through Apple’s software.

Peakto For Mac Adds Incredibly Powerful Conversational Search To Its Photo Cataloger, by Mel Martin, Fstoppers

For Mac users, Peakto has advanced the state of the art by giving you the ability to describe a photo you are looking for with text, and in my tests, it really works well.

Bottom of the Page

Why hasn't any other mouse manufacturers copied the touch surface design of the Apple's mouse? I do really like this feature, and is disappointed that the mouse I use for my Windows machine at work only has a wheel instead.


Thanks for reading.