
The Battle-Escalation Edition Sunday, November 19, 2023

Why Apple Is Working Hard To Break Into Its Own iPhones, by Andrew Griffin, Independent

Apple says that work is succeeding, believing it is years ahead of its hackers and proud of the fact that it has held off attacks without forcing its users to work harder to secure their devices or compromising on features. But recent years have also seen it locked in an escalating battle: Lockdown Mode might have been a breakthrough of which it is proud, but it was only needed because of an unfortunate campaign to break into people’s phones. Ivan Krstić, Apple’s head of security engineering and architecture, says that is partly just a consequence of the increasing proliferation of technology.


“We do not see ourselves as set against governments,” says Krstić. “That is not what any of this work is about. But we do see ourselves as having a duty to defend our users from threats, whether common or in some cases, truly grave.

Apple’s Tim Cook Tells Dua Lipa ‘We Can’ Guarantee Children Aren’t Mining iPhone 15’s Cobalt, by Stephanie Kaloi, The Wrap

“This is a big idea of not having to mine anything, is to use all recycled material, and today we’re using 100% recycled cobalt in the watch and 100% recycled gold, tin, tungsten, and other rare-earth materials in the watch. So we’re really, we’re really proud of this.

“But for those products that we still do mine, for some of our other products, we have an intense level of tracing in our supply chain all the way back to the mine and the smelter to make sure that the labor used is not child labor.

“I think we do a really good job of that,” he concluded.

Bottom of the Page

An iPhone that allows sideloading, with employers and governments and police knowing that my iPhone allows sideloading of whatever apps they deem necessary, is not the iPhone that I know and loved anymore.

I may still enjoy the new iPhone, but, make no mistake, it is not the same iPhone anymore.

And you call this giving me more choices?


Thanks for reading.