
The Ignore-Browser-Updates Edition Sunday, November 26, 2023

Atomic Stealer Malware Strikes macOS Via Fake Browser Updates, by Bill Toulas, bleepingComputer

Malwarebyte's examination of the payload's strings reveals a series of commands for extracting sensitive data like passwords and targeting document files, images, crypto wallet files, and keys.


Therefore, if you see any prompts to download browser updates on websites, they should be ignored.

5 iPad Pro Apps Perfectly Tailored For The Apple Pencil, by Rafael Motamayor, SlashGear

If you're on the fence about buying an Apple Pencil or want to take full advantage of the pencil and iPad Pro you already own, check out these five apps.

‘Zoom Fatigue’ May Take Toll On The Brain And The Heart, Researchers Say, by Erin Blakemore, Washington Post

There were “notable” differences between the in-person and online groups, the researchers write. Video participants’ fatigue mounted over the course of the session, and their brain states showed they were struggling to pay attention. The groups’ moods varied, too, with in-person participants reporting they felt livelier, happier and more active, and online participants saying they felt tired, drowsy and “fed up.”

Overall, the researchers write, the study offers evidence of the physical toll of videoconferencing and suggests that it “should be considered as a complement to face-to-face interaction, but not as a substitute.”

Bottom of the Page

The problem with an inbox-zero strategy, for me, is that I almost always missed an inbox or two. (No, I'm not the first person in the world to notice this, of course.)


Thanks for reading.