
The A-Little-Farther-Away Edition Thursday, February 29, 2024

What A Bunch Of A-list Celebs Taught Me About How To Use My Phone, by David Pierce, The Verge

Read and watch enough celebrity interviews, and the lesson becomes obvious: that the most powerful and connected device in your life shouldn’t be within arm’s reach at all times. All that does is invite distraction and makes it too easy to disengage from your life every time you get bored or sad or curious even for a second. Anything you can do to move that stuff a little farther away and make it a little harder to get to is a small victory over the always-on allure of your devices.

Apple Investors Reject Call For Report Into Company’s AI Use, by Mark Gurman, Bloomberg

Apple Inc. shareholders rejected a labor-backed request for an artificial intelligence transparency report, which would have delved into whether the company is using the technology ethically.


Apple has been less open than tech peers about its plans for generative AI — the technology behind chatbots like ChatGPT — but it has promised to discuss its plans later this year. That presentation could come as soon as June, when the company holds its annual developers conference.


Twodos Is A Simple To-do App That Doesn't Remind You Of Your Tasks, by Ivan Mehta, TechCrunch

Twodos doesn’t have a lot going on in terms of features, and that is probably an appealing factor for some users. There is only one screen with two parts for tasks: Sooner or Later. You can add tasks, mark them as done using a swipe gesture, and check the archive to clear all tasks. There is an arrow button next to each task to move it to the other folder.

This Mac App Lets You Create Beautiful Photo Books In Minutes, by Becca Caddy, iMore

One of my most recent photo book discoveries is the MILK Books app for the Mac. It allows you to transform your digital photos into physical keepsakes you can cherish or gift to someone else and the process is simple and intuitive but with lots of choice if you want to really customize your book.

This App Intelligently Deletes Duplicate Photos, Tidying Up Storage, by Jeremy Gray, PetaPixel

The update gives the app the power to understand that an image is a duplicate of another even if it exists in a separate location on a storage device and has a different file name.


Apple Is Selling Vision Pro All Wrong, by Jason Snell, Macworld

The top priority is better training for retail employees when it comes to fitting. Getting them to memorize a demo script is great, but the goal should be to have every customer leave the store with confidence that their Vision Pro is going to fit properly. When a customer comes in complaining of fit issues, store employees should be able to diagnose the issues and offer different options to correct the problem.

To Embrace Gaming Apple Needs To Level Up Its Game Porting Toolkit, by Dan Moren, Six Colors

If Apple really wants to jumpstart gaming on the Mac, it should bake the underlying technologies of the game porting toolkit directly into the system. Make installing and running a PC game as easy as if it were a Mac native title.

Why The Death Of Apple Car Could Be A Good Thing For CarPlay, by Chance Miller, 9to5Mac

The lingering question, of course, is how willing automakers are to cede control of the in-car infotainment system to Apple. My belief is that companies are far more likely to work with Apple now that they know Apple isn’t going to become a direct competitor in a few years.

Bottom of the Page

Apple always does surprise us from time to time, but I can't really see how Apple's upcoming AI stuff can be leaps and bounds better than what the competitors are doing these days.


Thanks for reading.