
The In-Breach Edition Monday, June 24, 2024

EU Says Apple Anti-steering Rules In Breach Of DMA, Officially Investigating Core Technology Fee Terms, by Benjamin Mayo, 9to5Mac

The European Commission has formally announced today its preliminary view that Apple is in breach of the Digital Markets Act, surrounding App Store anti-steering rules.

Additionally, the commission is also officially investigating Apple’s ‘alternative business terms’ that allow app developers to release apps outside of the App Store. This includes whether the Core Technology Fee per-install payment structure, and how many steps it takes to allow and install an app marketplace, are in compliance with the DMA rules.

Coming Soon?

How Apple Plans To Turn The Vision Pro Into A Multiproduct Business, by Mark Gurman, Bloomberg

This cheaper device, codenamed N107, is now the focus of Apple’s Vision Products Group. The company hopes to bring that product to market as early as the end of 2025 — a plan that’s been in place since before the Vision Pro was first unveiled last year.

The problem: Apple is struggling to get the cost down while retaining critical features. It’s dealing with some difficult trade-offs.


The New Final Cut Pro Hooked Me On iPad Video Editing, by Vjeran Pavic, The Verge

Apple calls this a “touch-first” app, and I finally understand what that means. Once you’re past the learning curve and once you get a hang of the controls and once you’re aware of its limitations, you start to actually enjoy it and have fun. Apple isn’t trying to replicate the Final Cut desktop experience — it’s building toward a new one. And you can see in the way you interact with the jog wheel and the way that the sidebar comes in so you can edit with your left hand.

I found that using the Final Cut Pro with my hands is by far the most immersive way to edit. It’s all right there at your fingertips, literally. There is something about this more tangible approach that I’m starting to find charming, even if it’s not as efficient as a mouse and keyboard.


The Unbearable Sorrow Of Apple Weather, by Dr. Drang, And Now It's All This

So what’s going on with the colored temperature bars? How do you decide where they start and stop when the slots in which they run vary from day to day?

This Is The iPhone Ringtone That Makes People Cringe, by Krystal Hur, CNN

There are musical elements to “By the Seaside” that make it difficult to listen to, says Rodriguez. There’s no discernible key. The song doesn’t end on a downbeat, so there’s no feeling of resolution when it briefly pauses before repeating.

But a bigger factor of users’ emotional responses is the “uncanny valley” element to the tune, says Rodriguez.

Apple Unfairly Sacked ‘Genius’ Over Covid Joke At Chinese Colleague, by Matthew Field, The Telegraph

The sacked worker successfully argued that what Apple referred to as racial “banter” was common at the London shop where he worked and the iPhone-maker was wrong to claim there was a zero tolerance policy in place.

Judge Graham Hodgsen found there were “significant deficiencies” in Apple’s investigation into the incident and said the tech giant failed to properly enforce its bullying and harassment rules.

The Eternal Truth Of Markdown, by Scott Gilbertson, Wired

It looked at the world as it actually was and built on the informal conventions people were using. Markdown took common quirks of writing plaintext emails or message-board posts—like wrapping a word in asterisks to *emphasize* it—and extended those formatting customs. It did not come in and declare an entirely new syntax and ask people to adopt it.

Bottom of the Page

I am in a place that is almost at the equator, and the temperature doesn't change from day to day. So, I've never really care and notice about the temperature in Apple's weather app. (Or any weather apps for that matter.)

What I care most is whether it will rain soon, and should I bring along my big umbrella if I am going out. Sadly, the will-it-rain-in-the-next-hour feature that was in Dark Sky which Apple purchased never made it to all these other parts of the world.


However, with climate change and global warming and heat waves and heat domes, I may need to pay attention to the temperatures soon.


Thanks for reading.