
The Not-the-Status-Quo Edition Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Preparing For The Era Of Orchestrated Apps, by Jason Snell, Six Colors

While it’s easy to say that apps and the App Store helped make Apple what it is, and therefore, the company will always be inclined to maintain the status quo… the fact is that if Apple thinks the best way for it to survive and flourish is to atomize app functionality into App Intents and drive it all with a user-driven AI assistant, it’ll do that. And it won’t think twice about it, no matter the consequences for app developers.

Apple Spurned Idea Of iPhone AI Partnership With Meta Months Ago, by Mark Gurman, Bloomberg

Apple decided not to move forward with formal Meta discussions in part because it doesn’t see that company’s privacy practices as stringent enough, according to the people. Apple has spent years criticizing Meta’s technology, and integrating Llama into the iPhone would have been a stark about-face.


Apple Announces First Premium Podcast, Available To Listen Early Access With Apple TV+ Subscription, by Benjamin Mayo, 9to5Mac

Apple’s new podcast series, ‘My Divo’, will be released first behind a paywall, accessible via the Apple Podcasts app when the user connects their Apple TV+ subscription. For non-subscribers, the episodes will be released on a weekly basis.

Experiencing Art Immersion With The Vision Pro, by Michael E. Cohen, TidBITS

What does the casual visitor see? Big, uncluttered rooms with masterpieces hanging on the walls. You don’t have to navigate around other people or feel watched by guards—you always have the place to yourself. The museum is, as advertised, immersive: while you may be sitting on your sofa in the real world, in the virtual world, you’re standing in the museum surrounded by artwork. You can approach any artwork using simple eye and hand gestures or physically walk up to one.


How I Built One Of The Biggest BIN Lookup Sites In The World, And How It Was Killed, by Matt Birchler, Birchtree

This is a big one, and this would be something I would be less lighthearted about if this was how I paid rent and put food on the table. But pinning your business to someone else is pretty risky, especially when it's something that is, there's no contract involved, there's no relationship, there's no any sort of guarantees that anything will be around forever.


Apple Disables WebKit’s JIT In Lockdown Mode, Offering A Hint Why BrowserEngineKit Is Complex And Restricted, by John Gruber, Daring Fireball

Apple has permitted third-party browsers on iOS for over a decade, but requires all browsers to use the system’s WebKit rendering engine. One take on Apple’s longstanding prohibition against third-party rendering engines is that they’re protecting their own interests with Safari. More or less that they’re just being dicks about it. But there really is a security angle to it. JavaScript engines run much faster with JIT compilation, but JITs inherently pose security challenges. There’s a whole section in the BrowserEngineKit docs specifically about JIT compilation.

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I hope app developers not only pay attention to actions that can be performed by App Intents, but they also provide App Intents that return data.

For example, the last time I tried out a lot of the existing podcast players, I found that a lot of them does provide shortcuts that allow me to, say, resume playing podcasts in a particular playlist. None of them, as far as I can tell, provided any shortcuts to query the number and duration of podcast episodes in any particular playlist.


Thanks for reading.