
The Privacy-Violations Edition Sunday, December 29, 2024

Apple Photos Phones Home On iOS 18 And macOS 15, by Jeff Johnson

It ought to be up to the individual user to decide their own tolerance for the risk of privacy violations. In this specific case, I have no tolerance for risk, because I simply have no interest in the Enhanced Visual Search feature, even if it happened to work flawlessly. There's no benefit to outweigh the risk. By enabling the "feature" without asking, Apple disrespects users and their preferences. I never wanted my iPhone to phone home to Apple.


Tune Out The Noise: How I Work Distraction-Free On My Ma, by T.M. Amrita, How-To Geek

Working without getting distracted by random text messages or a song you are listening to can seem impossible. Here are some Mac features that can help you cut through the noise and work without distractions.

'Type' Is The Easiest Way To Take Notes On Your Mac, by Michael Burkhardt, 9to5Mac

Type is a minimalist note taking app for your Mac, allowing you to easily capture notes and keep them organized – all from a simple keyboard shortcut. It’s the best way to jot something down in a pinch, without any of the potential distractions.


Does Life Feel Like It’s Speeding Up? How To Slow Down Time In 2025, by Miriam Frankel, The Guardian

So perhaps this year, try freeing yourself from the shackles of time, and invest in doing a few things you know you’ll enjoy and remember. To sum it up in a cliche: carpe diem.


Why Do The Folks At APPLE Inc. Think They Can Use My Business Name?, by Larry Crane, Tape Op

It's bad enough that the tech sector has opened the gateway to hell and has destroyed independent labels, record stores and the like. Now they're happy to steal the "idea" of your hard work and your identity and sell it to the world. Your whole life can be sold off like some "cool" commodity. Great. Wonderful.

Bottom of the Page

Oh, Apple.


Thanks for reading.