
The First-Time Edition Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Apple Watch: 10 Years On, Apple’s Head Of Fitness Reveals How It Has Changed, by Andrew Griffin, Independent

“I think one of the things I love about Apple Watch, the fitness ecosystem and Apple Fitness+, is that we work really deeply, not only with our software teams to build the features, but with our design teams to make sure that everything we build is easy to use, even if it's your first time trying it. So whether you're starting your first workout or whether you're spending your first week closing your activity rings, we want to make it as simple as possible to get going. And so even though there is a lot there, we feel really strongly that most people who find their way in find it really easy to get going, and then they're able to build on the features that they love.”


Microsoft Word For Mac Review: What's New In Word 2024?, by Lloyd Coombes, Macworld

Microsoft Word remains king of the word processors, and while it definitely has some stylistic choices that may push some away, it’s combination of affordability and flexibility make it tough to beat.

SwitchBot Wallet Finder Is An Incredibly Useful Accessory To Track Your Wallet With iPhone Find My, by Benjamin Mayo, 9to5Mac

Disguised inside a thin, credit-card form factor, the SwitchBot Wallet Finder connects to the Find My app on your iPhone, so you can follow its location, and it even houses a speaker so you can make it beep to help you find your wallet when it inevitably gets lost somewhere in your home.


‘Ted Lasso’ Actor Nick Mohammed Hints At Season 4 Filming, by Matt Minton, Variety

Mohammed posted a video on X Thursday explaining that some of his show dates for the “Show Pony” tour had to be rescheduled. “I know there’ll be a lot of speculation as to why I moved these dates … I’ll be honest, it is for some filming that I’ve not been able to shift.”

While Mohammed teased that listening to fan guesses is “the last thing I want,” he briefly held up a sign that read “BELIEVE” — an irrefutable reference to Season 3 of “Ted Lasso.”

Team Up With Apple At Your Own Risk, by The Macalope, Macworld

Thinking about forging a multi-million or even billion-dollar deal with Apple? Hey, we’ve all been there. You’re sitting around on a Tuesday afternoon, watching old episodes of Columbo in your underwear while eating string cheese that’s past its best-by date and you think, “I should do a big-time deal with Apple!”

Well, hold on, Fabio (can the Macalope call you “Fabio”?). Before you ink that deal, you might want to take a look at how some of the other partners Apple’s taken on over the years have faired. Because it’s not always great for the other guy.

Investigating Magistrate Appointed In Belgium In Congo Conflict Minerals Case, by Sonia Rolley, Reuters

An investigating magistrate has been appointed in Belgium after Democratic Republic of the Congo in December filed criminal complaints accusing Apple subsidiaries of using so-called conflict minerals in their supply chain, a lawyer for Congo said Monday.

Bottom of the Page

So, I was searching for a photo in the Photos app on my iPhone, and one of the prompts provided is "Singapore in Winter."

There is no such season as 'winter' in Singapore. (We have only two seasons: hot + humid, and hot + humid + raining.)

I don't know whether these search prompts are powered by Apple Intelligence, but I am going to blame it anyway.


Thanks for reading.